We help you create
engaging emails that convert to cold, hard cash


Our expertise lies in implementing and optimising effective email marketing campaigns that focus on:

01 — Attracting prospective customers
02 — Shaping how they view your product / service
03 — Building brand favourability and affinity
04 — Making them want to choose you as first choice
05 — Convert them into paying customers
06 — Performance & Analytics Report

**Deliverables will be personalised based on your business goals / KPIs

Our Promise To You

We'll help you design emails that make your readers feel like they received a letter from a friend they've been waiting to hear from.

And here's exactly how we plan to deliver on it

[01 — THINK.]
We will work with you to develop a customised email marketing strategy based on your brand and the products / services you offer
[02 — INK.]
Then, we draft the design & copy that will convey your brand voice in ways that will strengthen your relationship with your website visitors, email subscribers and customers
[03 — TINKER.]
Lastly, we refine and implement various strategies to further boost sales based on the data derived from what works and what doesn't

See us in action!

Our case studies are here to show we get things done and how exactly we bring results to the table


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.

We're not just about emails –
We're about making your life easier

Your success is our success, and we are here to make it happen


Book a demo call with our team and discover what we can do for your business.

©2024 Thinker.Inks. All rights reserved.

Welcome Email Sequence

ed sollicitudin lorem aliquet neque finibus, ut bibendum nisl semper. Etiam dolor lacus, tempus at maximus ac, accumsan quis ante.

Monthly Newsletter

Non blandit odio facilisis quis. Cras ultricies ex lorem, ac faucibus magna ullamcorper eget. Orci varius natoque.

"Holiday" Marketing Campaign

Morbi accumsan fringilla metus, quis accumsan mi. Aliquam erat volutpat.